New public report: Report on dissemination activities 1 and plans for standardisation and dissemination

This document is a report on dissemination and standardisation activities carried out by the project partners during the first year and planned within the second year.

In the first year the main effort was dedicated to the set-up of the project web-site at The DAVID Business Card has been developed as an easy entry point to the website.

Four public deliverables have been delivered during the Year 1. Project partners have made presentations in nine symposiums, conferences, workshops or exhibitions. Public deliverables and presentations (if possible) are available from the project web-site.

In respect to standards DAVID very actively contributed to EBU QC, EBU/AMWA FIMS as well as the MPEG preservation related activity MP-AF. Several DAVID partners represent the project by participating in meetings to promote the solutions developed by the project. Furthermore, the plans for dissemination and standardisation for the second year of the project are also described

P. Schallauer, C. Bauer, W. Bailer, J. Houpert, F. Höller, J.-H. Chenot and Paul Walland, DAVID D6.2 Dissemination & Standardisation, public deliverable

DAVID D6.2 Dissemination&Standardisation