Advanced Field Processor Prototype

Advanced_field_processor-1024x618The Advanced Field Processor (AFP) will be the newest member of the DIAMANT-FILM Restoration Suite and is being developed within the DAVID project. AFP allows you to freely edit the order and position of the fields in a video and allows to shift and interpolate fields. This allows to revert any kind of telecine process and telecine errors. The Advanced Field Processor is developed to make it easy and fast to work with video material which has been converted using common telecine methods. At the same time it is flexible enough to handle material where mistakes were made during the telecine process or uncommon telecine patterns were used. The Advanced Field Processor incorporates many features which help the user to find out what kind of telecine process was used and how to fix it:

Advanced Field Analyser
This is a tool which analyses the video and tries to find useful information (e.g. duplicate frames, progressive vs. interlaced frames, field order, cuts, pull-down patterns, etc.) that helps the user reverse the telecine process.

Commands can be combined into macros which can then be applied repeatedly in a shot or in the whole video. This makes it possible to quickly revert different telecine patterns on the whole video. There are also predefined macros for actions which are often used.

Field Interpolation
Due to errors in the telecine process it can happen that single fields are corrupted. For this case the Advanced Field Processor can interpolate fields using different interpolation algorithms

Interlaced Monitor Simulation
There is a special view mode for progressive devices which lets you easily see if a frame is interlaced or progressive.

APF Video Tutorial

Download AFP Demo Version