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JOANNEUM RESEARCH (JRS) DIGITAL – Institute for Digital Technologies Steyrergasse 17 8010 Graz Austria http://www.joanneum.at |
JOANNEUM RESEARCH is a non-profit organisation concentrating on applied research with a highly qualified staff of more than 400 people. Services include specifically geared research tasks for small- and medium-sized companies, complex interdisciplinary national and international assignments as well as tailored techno-economic consulting. They participate in setting up and organizing national competence centres as well as in numerous large international projects. The DIGITAL Institute for Digital Technologies (http://www.joanneum.at/en/digital.html) specialises in web and internet technologies, image, video and acoustic signal processing together with remote sensing, communication and navigation technologies.
These technologies are implemented in hardware and software development and application-oriented solutions using scientifically state of the art methods.
The institute has participated in more than 100 EC and ESA funded projects since the Third Framework Programme. Early projects concentrated on developing algorithms for digital film and video restoration, resulting in DIAMANT, one of the worldwide leading commercial systems. Since several years JRS carries out R&D into methods for automatic analysis of surveillance video based on their large knowledge base from media analysis including automatic film restoration and content-based indexing, summarisation and retrieval. JRS has been involved in a large number of EU and national projects dealing with surveillance, media semantics and media monitoring.
Among them are iObserve, Area-Mumosis, AudioMine, Visis, Scovis, Outlier, MediaCampaign and DirectInfo. During FP6 JRS has coordinated the SALERO, CLINICIP and Aposdle IPs as well as DirectInfo and MediaCampaign, in FP7 JRS is coordinating FascinatE and TOSCA-MP. As a participant, JRS was and is active in the Integrated Projects 2020 3D Media, PrestoSpace, IP-RACINE, NM2 and PrestoPRIME, in the NoE K-Space and in the SEMEDIA, porTiVity and Polymnia projects. Detailed information on projects and publications is available from the web site.
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University of Southampton – IT Innovation Centre (ITInnov) Gamma House Enterprise Road SO16 7NS, Southampton United Kingdom http://www.it-innovation.soton.ac.uk |
The IT Innovation Centre (http://www.it-innovation.soton.ac.uk) is an applied research center advancing a wide range of information technologies and their uptake and adoption in industry, commerce and the public sector. Part of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, the Centre is an international leader in applied research in digital preservation and access, secure service-oriented systems, information discovery and decision support, and how these all relate to new business models, processes and services. The results of our work include software tools and demonstrators, white papers, best practice and targeted academic and technical publications. IT Innovation was a partner in PrestoPRIME where our work included modelling the ‘cost of risk of loss’ of long-term storage, simulating the processes of an OAIS-compliant archive, and providing access to digital AV content in file-format using IT systems. We have developed tools to support this work, which include an interactive discrete event-based simulation of archive processes (iModel), an online preservation planning tool, and an online AV data service (MServe).
Previously, IT Innovation has worked on storage technologies in PrestoSpace and high performance systems for digital video restoration in DIAMANT. Our research outputs are promoted through a range of mechanisms, including open source (e.g. AV preservation planning and management tools from PrestoPRIME), commercialisation (e.g. Arkivum Ltd, a company spun-out by IT Innovation in 2011 which provides data archiving as a service and is based on results from a UK R&D project on audiovisual archiving), and conferences and events (e.g. in 2011 IT Innovation promoted research work on AV preservation at the international AMIA, FIAT, IBC, IASA conferences).
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Cube-Tec International GmbH (CTI) Anne-Conway-Straße 1 28359 Bremen Germany http://www.cube-tec.com |
Cube-Tec International is a R&D performing SME providing industrial solutions for large media archives.
As a pioneer in quality control of media workflows, the company focuses on open standards and agile process automation. Cube-Tec benefits from a great deal of experience with large-scale media digitization projects. Furthermore, Cube-Tec offers state-of-the-art products for content verification and media automation service platforms for modern file-based workflows using reference and non-reference based quality assessment methods.
Being installed in over 100 facilities in 22 different countries, Cube-Tec’s products and solutions are used by many of the world’s most prestigious broadcast, restoration and archiving institutions which makes Cube-Tec the worldwide leading company in this niche market. Cube-Tec has licensed its technologies to companies like Adobe (for Premiere Pro) and Steinberg Media Technologies, performs services for federal and governmental departments all over the world and has a long history in working in European R&D projects and with standardisation bodies like SMPTE, AMWA and EBU. As a participant, Cube-Tec was active in the Integrated Project PrestoSpace, and was and still is active in Eureka Eurostars projects VideoStar and CineXPRES.
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HS-ART Digital Service GmbH (HSA) Dietrichsteinplatz 3 8010 Graz Austria http://www.hs-art.com/home.html |
HSA has strong background knowledge in developing high end software products for the digital media industries. HSA is one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of digital film restoration software. The DIAMANT-Film Restoration Software was introduced in 2001. Since then we were delivering our products worldwide to our customers. A continuous process of research and development activities is necessary in order to keep up with the state of the art respectively push the state of the art forward in order to be successful on the markets. Our main market segments are the film archives and service providers. We currently have around 130 customers distributed all over the world.
HSA has been running European, national and self funded R&D projects for more than 10 years now. Relevant projects in which we were participating were for example Dust-NG (FFG Project), HD-VIP (FFG-Project), RestoreNet (FFG-Project), vdQA (FFG-Project), MediaCampaign (IST-2004-027413), PrestoSpace – EU Project (FP6-2002-IST-1), DIAMANT – EU Project (EC IST 1999 12078).
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Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (INA) 28 avenue des Freres Lumiere 94366 Bry-sur Marne Cedex France http://www.ina.fr |
INA is in charge of French radio and television archives and a partner of broadcasters and producers. About 950 persons work in the institution. INA gathers, preserves, digitises, and restores, and distributes French radio and television archives contents, representing more than 70 years of radio and 60 years of television programmes, and large collections: 2,5 millions hours of radio and television, more than 1 million of photos. INA is in charge of the Legal Deposit for national TV and radio channels since 1995, with now 102 TV channels, and 20 radio channels, amounting to more than 1 million hours captured each year. INA has launched on line services for professionals, who have direct access to 1 million hours of digitised collections and may buy full programs or excerpts. A service for the general public was launched in April 2006 with 100,000 programmes and 200,000 commercials available on line, mainly for free viewing and possible purchase for personal use. INA Expert, the professional training and higher education department, delivers more than 22 000 days of professional training every year.
50 persons work in the Research Department, which has been involved in several IST and ICT projects since 1995 and has successfully led some of them, such as AURORA, BRAVA, EURODELPHES, CAPMED and PrestoSpace. INA was the coordinator of the PrestoPRIME project, and a founding member of PrestoCentre.
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Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF) Wuerzburggasse 30 1136 Wien Austria http://www.orf.at |
ORF is the biggest media-company in Austria and constituted as foundation under public law. ORF broadcasts its programmes terrestrial and via satellite (both digital) via 4 TV-channels and 12 radio-channels; ORF runs also the biggest news-website in Austria (ORF-ON; http://www.orf.at)
The ORF is one of the leading technology-companies in the AV-sector with decades of experience in the domain. ORFs biggest AV-Preservation-operation for the next decade is the Digital Migration (DiMi) of 350,000 hrs of IMX and BetaDigi based content to LTO-based MXF-D10 and MXF-XDCAM HD422 (approx. 9 PetaByte), while expecting at least 6 PetaByte of “newborn” digital assets in the same period.
ORF DOCUMENTATION & ARCHIVES The ORF TV-Archive holds over 1,3 Mio items of film and video material (~ 750.000 hours) from shots of the late emperor Franz Joseph to yesterday’s breaking news, running also a specialised audio-archive for TV-purposes (M&E) (~ 1 million hours). 75 documentalists, archivists, editors, historians, sound-engineers, system-developers and administrative staff work in the ORF TV-archives, handling and annotating a daily material-increase of about 48 hours, digitising and “keyframing” 16 hours of news-material weekly and developing new systems for the future administration and coping of the gigantic amount of information and cultural heritage in our archives.
ORF TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT The technical department of the ORF is responsible for planning fixed and mobile broadcast facilities starting with the ORF center over regional studios to the worldwide correspondent network. Recent activities cover the introduction of a content management system as well as the archive essence system which is to put into operation within next months.
The Consortium